Learning Diversity, Inclusion and Counseling (LDIC) Department
Inclusion is an act or practice aimed at improving access to and participation in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers and proactively addressing each individual’s unique needs. It includes institutional changes, including consideration of the broader goals of teaching approaches, curriculum, and assessment.
BIS supports the provision of inclusive education and welcomes all students without regard to exceptional ability or unique condition or special educational needs, provided that there are good prospects of meeting the student’s needs without unduly prejudicing the education and welfare of other students. BIS strives to provide opportunities for all students to be successful learners, and is committed to educating students with a range of abilities and needs who are able to benefit from the educational services available at BIS.
BIS has the Learning Diversity, Inclusion and Counseling Team, comprising a full-time Learning Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator, 2 School Counsellors, and one full-time Learning Support teacher, with part-time input from other BIS staff with experience of working in the diverse environment. This team works to assist in student assessments and evaluation of progress as well as the design of Individual Education Programmes (IEP), however they do not have all the professional skills required to cover all potential students, therefore external professionals may be required in some cases. In these cases, BIS will either recommend that parents organise such assessment themselves or that parents cover the cost of external assessment if arranged by BIS.
Services provided by the LDIC department include:
- The identification of specific learning needs through student observation and information gathering from teachers and parents and additional assessments;
- Preliminary assessments to determine areas of strength and weakness;
- Advising educators on the most effective ways to address the needs of the students in the classroom. Examples may include using various assessment techniques, facilitating students’ learning, and differentiating instruction and activities;
- Educating students and their parents about learning differences and how to work with them;
- Reviewing external specialist reports and communicating recommendations to enable teachers to meet the needs of students in the classroom. Some students may require the development and monitoring of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Student Profile (ISP).
- Helping children directly using a variety of methods, depending on the student’s requirements. This could be in-class assistance, pull-out assistance to work on a specific skill area, or mentoring (especially in secondary school).
- Helping teachers with professional development and parents with information on learning support difficulties.
If you have concerns about your child’s overall progress at school, please contact me, but do discuss your concerns with your child’s teachers initially as they will be able to answer questions about the student’s progress in their classrooms. A collaborative approach is the best way to ensure success for every child.
Kyzjibek Tekenova
LDIC Coordinator
Counselling at BIS
The counselling team at school is responsible for providing students with emotional and mental health support. They provide counselling sessions, parent meetings, teacher advice, and classroom presentations are all part of addressing children’s emotional and social wellbeing. They support individual and group sessions, as well as referrals to outside agencies. The counsellors work to create a safe and supportive environment for students to discuss their concerns, and to help them develop the skills to cope with life’s challenges. Counsellors handle a variety of issues within the school community. Below are just a few examples of what a counsellors are able to support with at BIS:
School Counselling is an integral part of the total education system, school counsellors help students form healthy goals, mindsets and behaviours. With the aid of a school counsellor, students learn to develop effective collaboration and cooperation skills, practice perseverance, develop time management and study skills, and learn self-motivation and self-management habits.
Transitions. Families that spend a lot of time abroad have the opportunity to travel, meet new people, and learn about and participate in diverse cultures. Despite the benefits of living abroad, it may be stressful and challenging. Students who attend overseas schools must learn to deal with the changes of moving to a new environment, saying goodbye, and forming and sustaining strong personal connections while still juggling an academic schedule and extracurricular activities. Furthermore, transitions are not restricted to students coming and exiting. Transitions within the school, such as changing from 5th to 6th grade, from Middle school to High School and attending the Diploma Programme, and many other school-related transfers, must also be addressed.
University and Career Counselling refers to navigating high school’s processes for getting letters of recommendation from teachers, completing the counsellor’s letter of recommendation, sending an official transcript to colleges, selecting extracurricular activities, researching universities and drafting lists.
If you are concerned about your child’s academic achievement, please contact me; however, please first share your concerns with your child’s educators, as they will be able to answer questions concerning the student’s progress in their program.