Service as Action: Charity Initiative of Grade 6 Students

Neslihan and Aruukeh worked hard to inspire the BIS community to donate toys, books, and for the Akinet orphanage in in Jal district, Bishkek, that currently supports 45 Children. During the last two weeks of semester 1 they have been collecting all the mentioned items and wrapped them as presents. 

On Saturday 16th they went to the Orphanage with Neslihan parents (thanks a lot!) and gave the donations and money collected from the BIS community. With the money they bought a new year tree.

I would like to highlight the involvement and hard work of Neslihan and Aruukeh regarding the project, congratulate them as well for succeeding with this project that has had a great positive impact on the lives of these 45 children living in the orphanage. Thanks to Neslihan parents for helping out and bringing the presents to the place. Thanks as well to those who could give donations. It is amazing how a Service and Action project from students can sometimes go beyond BIS and put a big smile on those who need it the most.  Mr Marc, Grade 6 Form Teacher