On February 11  we celebrated our annual Winter Sports Day! This year, over 210 staff and students from Grade 2 – Grade 12 signed up for a day of fun in the mountains. Thirteen minibuses set off for Chunkurchak Ski Base just after 8am for a day of skiing, snowboarding, sledding and picnicking.
Whilst some students whizzed down the mountain with ease, others enjoyed their first taste of winter sports with ski instructors, and others had fun slipping and sliding on sleds. The weather was amazing and we all enjoyed the opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.
The greatest success is to remain safe and sound. We did well this year – unfortunately we had one injury.
We wish our teacher Mr Alisher a quick recovery. This is just proof of how dangerous the upper slope can be.
Students from Preschool 1 to Grade 1 enjoyed having the school to themselves for their day of winter activities. A big thank you to all who made this logistically complex day so successful, and to the preschool and lower primary team for their work in organising events for our younger students.
Mr Zeljko, Head of Physical Education